Welcome to the Dallas GiveCamp Handbook
Welcome to Dallas GiveCamp 2019! GiveCamp is an extraordinary event and a great opportunity to help the charities that give so much to our community. This event takes a dedicated effort of planning and leadership from everyone. This handbook contains helpful tips and tricks to ensure we have a successful event. Thank you for your support, GiveCamp would not be possible without your help!!
The handbook is broken into a few sections focused on each role at the event.
- General Event Info - We recommend everyone read this section
- Project Manager Info - Tips and tricks for our PMs
- Developer Info - Tips and tricks for our Devs
- Charity Info - Tips and tricks for our Charity Reps
Handbook Updates
Our mission is to keep this document as up to date as we can, however we need your help. If you find an error, or have a suggestion please let us know.
You have three options:
- You can send an email to contact@dallasgivecamp.org
- You can open an “issue” on GitHub (https://github.com/shawnweisfeld/dallasgivecamphandbook/issues)
- Or you can use the “Contribute on GitHub” link in the upper right and fork the repo and submitt a pull request.